
The Navagrahas (including Surya) have great importance in Hindu Rituals. They are considered to play a major role in deciding the destiny of man.
All the nine grahams (planets) Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu (Snake’s head) and Ketu (Snake’s tail) give us pleasure and serenity and remove obstacles from our way. The names of the seven bodies (Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn) are still connected, in some languages, with the seven days of the week.
In astrology, great importance is placed on the positions of the various planets in the twelve constellations of the zodiac, the belt around the sky in which the movements of Sun, Moon and planets are confined. All astrology is totally based on the planetary movements and it.
1.Sun - Soorya

The Sun God has two arms, he is seated on the pedestal of lotus; both of his hands are embellished with lotus flowers. There is a beautiful golden crown, on his head and a garland of gems around his neck. His radiance is just like the interior part of a lotus flower and he is mounted on the chariot pulled by seven horses. The seven colors that emanate from the Sun are the VIBGYOR, which are symbolically described as the seven horses of his chariot.
There is only one wheel in his chariot which is called ‘Samvatsar’. The wheel of his chariot has 12 spokes, which symbolize the twelve months. The wheel has six circumferences, which symbolize the six seasons, and three ‘Naves’ which is symbolized of the three four-months.
Those who suffer the ill effects of Kalathara Dosham, Vivaha Paribandha Dosham, Puthra Dosham, Puthra Paribandha Dosham, Vidhya Paribandha Dosham, Udyoga Padhibandha Dosham, Surya dasai, Surya bukthi would benefit from worshipping at this temple. Father, Athma, physical strength, right eye, governmental largesse are the beneficial aspects of this planet.
Surya is the Lord of Simha Rasi and occupies the central place amongst the navagrahas. The adidevatha is Agni, prathyutha Devatha – Rudran. His colour is red and his vahana is a chariot drawn by seven horses. The grain associated with his is wheat; the flower – lotus, yerukku; fabric – red clothes; gem – ruby; food – wheat, rava, chakkara pongal.
Metal – Gold
Gemstone – Ruby
Colour – Red
Transition time – 30 days
Debilitation sign – Libra
Mahadasha Lasts for – 6 years
Presiding Diety is – Lord Shiva
Element – Fire
2. Moon – Chandra

The Moon God is of fair complexion. He is attired in white clothes. The color of his chariot and the horses pulling it is white. He is seated on the pedestal of lotus placed in a beautiful chariot pulled by ten horses. He possesses a golden crown on his head and a garland of pearls on his neck. He has a mace in one hand and the other one is raised in the posture of showering blessings.
According to the ‘Srimad Bhagawat’ Moon-God is the son of Maharishi Atri and Anusuya. Lord Krishna was the descendant of Moon God. He was married to the twenty-seven constellations i.e. Ashwini, Bharani, Krittika, Rohini etc. These constellations were the daughters of ‘Daksha’ according to Harivanshpuran.The vehicle of Moon God is chariot. There are three wheels in his chariot. His chariot is pulled by ten powerful horses. All the horses are divine, incomparable and are quick as the mind. The eyes and ears of the horses are white. According to the ‘Matasyapurana’ the horses are as white as a conch.
Mercury is the son of Moon God who took birth from ‘Tara’. The story goes on to say that Tara, wife of Brihaspathi, was attracted towards moon, who came to Brihaspathi in academic pursuit. Budha is the son of Tara and Moon. However, Rohini, wife of Chandra brings up Budha. Some Purans have different story about the birth of Mercury.
The presiding deity of Moon-God is goddess Uma. Moon-god is the lord of the zodiac sign Cancer and his Mahadasha last for 10 years. He is also considered to be the lord of the constellations. He holds the second position among all the nine heavenly bodies.
Metal – Silver
Gemstone – Pearl
Colour – White
Transition time – 2.1/2 days
Debilitation sign – Scorpio
Mahadasha Lasts for – 10 years
Presiding Diety is – Goddess Uma
Element – Water.
3.Mars – Mangal / Kuja

MANGAL or KUJA was born in the month of Asadha on Tuesday. His birth star is Anuradha and was born on the tenth of shukla phase. He was born into a Bharadwaja gotra, the four armed Kuja, who is also known as Mangala, is red in color. Gold coronet on the head, red garlands and red dress mark him out to be a Mars god. Goat is his vehicle. He adorns trident (the weapon of Lord Shiva), blessing-style, fear-less position and mace in all his four arms.
According to the Brahma Vaivarta Puraana, the time dates back to the post cosmic incarnation of Lord Vishnu as a boar. The story goes to say that Bhoodevi falls in love with Lord Vishnu and approaches him.
The lord favors her and she leaves a coral in the ocean as a token of their togetherness. Kuja is said to have born out of that coral. Etymologically, ‘KU’ means earth and ‘JA’ refers to birth. Hence he is referred to as the son of the earth or in other words Bhauma. |
Padma Puraana gives a slightly different version of Kuja’s origin. Once a bead of perspiration from Lord Vishnu’s brow falls on the earth and from that energy a red colored person, who is also known as Lohitaanga takes birth. He wins over Lord Brahma with his rigorous penance and secures a position in the planets. He is none other than Kuja. |
4.Mercury – Budha
Mercury : Mercury is attired in yellow dress and wears a garland of yellow flowers. The radiance and glow of his body is like that of an oleander flower. He has a sword, a shield a mace in each of his three hands respectively and his fourth hand is raised in the posture of giving blessings. He has a golden crown on his head and a beautiful garland in his neck. His vehicle is a lion.
According to the ‘Atharavaveda’ Mercury’s father is the Moon and his mother is Tara. He was given the name mercury by Lord Brahma because of his intelligence. According to Shrimad Bhagawat he is proficient in all the scriptures and is as radiant as the moon.
According to the ‘Atharavaveda’ Mercury’s father is the Moon and his mother is Tara. He was given the name mercury by Lord Brahma because of his intelligence. According to Shrimad Bhagawat he is proficient in all the scriptures and is as radiant as the moon.
According to the Shrimad Bhagawat (5/22-13) mercury is situated about 2,00,000 yojans (2400 000 km above Venus). Mercury is considered to be an auspicious planet but if by chance it transgresses, chance of natural calamities like draught, storm and floods occur.
The governing deity of the planet mercury is Lord Vishnu. Mercury is the lord of the zodiac Gemini and Virgo. For the pacification of this planet fasts should be observed on every Amavasya (moonless night) and emerald should be worn on the body. Donations of ivory, green-clothes, Coral, Emerald, gold camphor, weapon, fruit and ghee to the Brahmins also satisfies the mercury.
Metal – Bronze
Gemstone – Emerald
Colour – Green
Transition time – 30 days
Debilitation sign – Pisces
Mahadasha Lasts for –17 years
Presiding Diety is – Lord Vishu
Element – Earth
5.Jupiter – Guru / Bhrahaspathi
Jupiter : In the solar system, Devguru, Brihaspathi or Jupiter occupies the second largest position after the Sun. According to Shivapurana he was born to Angirasa and Suroopa. His brothers are Utathya and Samvartana. He is adorned with a golden crown on his head and a beautiful garland in his neck. He is attired in yellow dress and is seated on the pedestal of lotus flower. He has four hands and holds a stick (dand), Rudraksha garland, receptacle in each of his three hands and his fourth hand is raised in the posture of giving giving boons and blessings.
Jupiter has thre wives – Shubha, Tara & Mamta. Seven daughters were born to Shubha–Bhanumati, Raka, Archismati, Mahishrvati, Siniwali and Havishmati. Seven sons and a daughter were born to Tara. Mamta gave birth to Bhardwaja and Kacha. The presiding deity of Jupiter is ‘Brahma’. He is the Putrakaraka or planet connected with children.
Metal – Gold
Gemstone – Yellow sapphire
Colour – Yellow
Transition Time – 1 year
Debilitation sign – Capricorn
Mahadasa lasts for – 16years
Presiding Deity – Brahma
Element – Sky
Guru is the Lord of Dhanusu and Meena Rasi and he faces North direction. The Adi Devatha is Brahma and the Prathyathi Devatha is Indran. His colour is yellow and his vahana is elephant. The grain associated with him is kadalai; the flower – white mullai; fabric – yellow cloth; gem – pushparagam (white topaz); food – rice mixed with bengal gram dhal powder.
6.Venus - Shukra
Venus is the priest of the demons. According to the Mahabharat (Adiparva (78/39) Shukracharya was not only the lord of wealth but he is also the master of the medicinal herbs, the mantras and all kinds of taste. By the inspiration of Lord Brahma he became a planet and started to protect the lives of all the living beings of all the three worlds. His presiding deity is ‘Indra’.Sukracharyar has the prowess to bring the dead to living by virtue of his knowledge of Amirtha Sanjeevini Mantra. Using this mantra, in the asura war against the devas, he revived the slain asuras. This helped the asura army swell. The devas prayed to Lord Siva for help, who swallowed up Sukracharya in a fit of rage. After residing in Lord SIva’s stomach in a siddha state, he emerged from Lord Siva’s stomach.
Sukra endows those who pray to him with wealth, pleasure, wife, prosperity, vehicles. He is the next most beneficial planet after Guru. If in a person’s horoscope, Sukra is well placed, then the person will enjoy pleasure, beautiful wife, wealth, house, vehicle, good food, fame, love, affection, marraige, siblings, governmental help, chance to govern the country/state and hold influential status.
If in a bad position, the ward will experience a family devoid of love and ties, bad life, enimity amongst family and friends, Kalathira dosham. By praying to Sukra these problems could be mitigated. Wife, arts, sculpture, love, vehicles are the beneficial aspects of Sukra.
He is the Lord of Rishaba and Thula Rasi and faces East direction. The Adi Devatha is Indra’s physician. His colour is white; his vahana is the crocodile; the grain associated with him is mochai; the flower – white lotus; fabric – white cloth; gem – diamond; food – rice mixed with mochai powder.
Metal – Silver
Gemstone – Diamond
Colour – White
Transition Time – 30 Days
Debilitation sign -Virgo
Mahadasa lasts for -20 years
Presiding Deity – Indra
Element – Water
Saturn : Saturn (Shani) also known as Shaneeshwara, Shanaischara, Manda, Konastha, Pingala and Souri has blue complexion. He has a golden crown on his head and wears a garland and black colored clothes. He is seated on the back of the vulture. He possesses a bow, an arrow and a trident in each of his three hands respectively and his fourth hand is raised in the posture of giving boons and blessings.
According to Hindu mythology Shani (Saturn) is son of Sun & Chhaya (Shadow). It is believed that Shani & Sun are bitter enemies although they are close relatives. Therefore Shani mantra jaap is done when the Sun sets. Yamraj (the lord of death), Dharamraj & Yamuna River are brothers & sister of Saturn.
The 4 Ashwin Kumars (Sons of Surya & Usha) are step brothers of Shani. He was a great devotee of lord Krishna right from his childhood.
Shani is considered as the lord of Justice. Lord Shiva has assigned Shani the duty to do justice with each & every individual. Therefore during 7-1/2 Shani Dasha(7.5 years) & Shani’s Mahadasha (19 Years ) each individual is rewarded or punished according to his past actions by Shani. In every individual’s life there is at least one Shani’s Sadhe Sati & one Shani’s Mahadasha. During these dashas the individual must sincerely worship Shani at any cost. Even regular worship of Saturn helps the person to remain healthy & wealthy. The presiding deity of Shani is Lord Brahma. The Pratyadhi deity is Yama.Saneeswaran resides in each Rasi for a period of 2 1/2 years. When Saneeswaran resides in the 12th, 1st and 2nd house, it is 7 1/2 Naatu Sani ; when in the 4th house, it is Arthashtama Sani; when in the 8th house, it is Ashtama Sani. During these periods, he troubles the native.
Problems from Govt., peers, wife, children, slowdown in business, loss of property, leprosy are caused by transit of Sani.
In a person’s life, 7 1/2 Naatu Sani aspects thrice, the first called Mangu Sani, the second called Pongu Sani and the third called Marana Sani.
Saneeswaran is reputed to be both, a giver and destroyer. A person who prays to Saneeswaran will be blessed with not only riddance from the problems and worries faced, but a life that one desires.
His wives are Neela Devi and Manga Devi. The presiding deities are Dharbaranyeswarar (Swaymbumurti) and his consort Bogamartha Poon Mulayal. He is the Lord of Maharam and Kumba Rasis and faces the West direction. The Adi Devatha is Yaman and the Prathyathi Devatha is Prajapathi. His colour is black; his vahana the crow; the grain associated with him is gingelley; the flower – vanni and black kuvalai; fabric – black cloth; gem – neelam (blue saphire); food – rice mixed with gingelley powder.
Metal – Iron
Gemstone – Blue Sapphire
Colour – Black
Transition Time – 2.1/2 Years
Debilitation sign -Aries
Mahadasa lasts for – 19 years
Presiding Deity – Brahma
Element – Air (Vayu)
Rahu : In Hindu mythology, Rahu is a snake that swallows the Sun or the Moon causing eclipses. He is depicted in art as a dragon with no body riding a chariot drawn by eight black horses. Rahu is a shadow planet and one of the nine planets in Vedic astrology. The Rahu-time is considered inauspicious. Rahu is a legendary master of deception. It signifies cheats, pleasure seekers, insincere an immoral acts, operators in foreign land, drug dealer, poison dealers etc. Rahu is the signification of Faulty Logic, Harsh speech, Outcaste, an irreligious person, going to a foreign country, Unclean, Bones, abdominal ulcers, Falsehood. Rahu is instrumental in strengthening ones power and converting even an enemy into a friend. The effect of snake bite is removed by its grace.
Metal – Mixed
Gemstone – Gomedh
Colour – Dark Brown
Transition Time – 1-1/2 Years
Mahadasa lasts for – 18 years
The devas and asuras churned the Paarkadal to obtain amirtham that would free them from death, keeping them alive for ever. When the amirtham emerged, Lord Vishnu in the guise of Mohini was distributing the amirtham only to the devas. He was worried that the evil deeds of the asuras will increase multifold if they consumed amirtham. Realising this, one of the asuras with the help of the asura guru Sukrachariyar, took the form of a deva and consumed the nectar. Suryan and Chandran who noticed this, complained to Lord Narayana. In anger, Lord Narayana hit the asura on the head with the spoon in his hand. The head was cut off and fell on the ground. But because the asura had consumed amirtham, his head and body continued to live. The body of a snake got attached to the head to become Rahu Bhagavan. Rahu prayed to Lord Vishnu (Narayana) and got the position of a Sayagraham. Rahu takes his revenge on them. Suryan and Chandran, whenever he gets a chance by devouring them. This is commonly called as eclipse.
Rahu is the source of plenty. Kalathra dosham, puthira dosham, communicable diseases, mental disorders, leprosy, fall in grace are caused by Rahu dosham.
The Adi Devatha is Durga and the Prathyathi Devatha is the snake. His colour is black, his vahana is blue lion; the grain associated with him is orid; the flower-mandarai; fabric-black cloth; gem- Komedagam; food-rice mixed with orid dhal powder.
Ketu : Ketu is the descending lunar node. In Hindu mythology, Ketu is generally referred to as a “shadow” planet. It is believed to have a tremendous impact on human lives and also the whole creation. In some special circumstances it helps someone achieve the zenith of fame. Ketu is often depicted with a gem or star on his head signifying a mystery light. Ketu signifies the spiritual process of the refinement of materialization to spirit and is considered both malefic and benefic, as it causes sorrow and loss, and yet at the same time turns the individual to God. In other words, it causes material loss in order to force a more spiritual outlook in the person. Ketu is a indicator of intelligence, wisdom, non-attachment, fantasy, penetrating insight.
derangement, and psychic abilities. Ketu is believed to bring prosperity to the devotee’s family, removes the effects of snakebite and illness arising out of poisons. He grants good health, wealth and cattle to his devotees.
Gemstone – Cat Eye
Colour – Brown
Transition Time – 1-1/2 Years
Mahadasa lasts for – 7 years
The devas and asuras churned the Paarkadal keeping them alive for ever. When the amirtham emerged, Lord Vishnu in the guise of Mohini was distributing the amirtham only to the devas. He was worried that the evil deeds of the asuras will increase multifold if they consumed amirtham. Realizing this, one of the asuras with the help of the asura guru Sukrachariyar, took the form of a deva and consumed the nectar. Suryan and Chandran who noticed this, complained to Lord Narayana. In anger, Lord Narayana hit the asura on the head with the spoon in his hand. The head was cut off and fell on the ground. But because the asura had consumed amirtham, his head and body continued to live. The head portion of the asura attached itself to a snake body to become Rahu Bhagavan. The body portion that was thrown away fell in Pothigai mountain region. This was found and preserved by a Brahmin. The head of a snake got attached to the asura body to become Kethu.
Persons afflicted by Kethu dosham are stricken with fears of dacoity, bad habits, loss of property, loss of face, putra dosham. By praying to Kethu Bhagavan, one can be rid of the doshams. Motcham, sight, property, land, gold, vehicle, fame, wife, children, happiness, unexpected property gains are the beneficial aspects of Kethu Bhagavan.
Knowledge, business, leprosy, poisonous bites are the aspects of this planet.